An Apple A Day

I didn’t have much time today to make my entries or do my daily internet grinds as I would most visits on the computer. I usually check gizmodo and engadget, find some new grimey tracks, get my fair share of FB pokes out there or see if anyone leaked some images of the quote iPhone 5 yet lol.
Unfortunately I am computerless until my new mac arrives, so sad. Here’s one post fer’now!

    Due to the fact that I am utterly obsessed with my stunning white iPhone 4 and it’s capabilities – one out of three posts I will be writing each day will be about a iPhone app that I find useful and of actual quality. I’ll include the up’s and down’s to each, reviews, screenshots etc.

**ALSO, if you’re viewing this on your iTouch/iPhone i will be including a link that take you directly from here to DL it in the app store – look for the links directly under each app’s name and price, yeah you’re welcome!

App Name: c89.5 Radio
Price: Free

Click Here to download

c89.5 Radio Reviews

c89.5 Live Main Page

I love this app! if you like dub/dance beats which most people do these days then this app is a must have. It plays c89.5 24.7 – 7 days a week.


  • Always have a dose of electronic music with you even when you aren’t in your car
  • LIVE, not pre-recorded
  • Lists you the track & artist of the current/last five songs played
  • Informs you if the song is the original or mixed, and if it’s mixed then which one it is. Sometimes I’ll hear a song I will love it, but then I have to search through all the mixes of it to find that specific one, and with this genre a song can have twenty major remixes alone
  • Gives you a direct link to buy/DL on iTunes


  • Sometimes takes a few app-restarts to update the “Recently Played” track list
  • The format/layout “lacks” or so reviews of it say, but to me you have to be a real sour ass especially since the simplicity just makes it easier to use.

~ by GetHyphy! on August 24, 2011.

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